I tried to find the option in MS Virtual PC 2007 to start everytime I boot windows, but did not found such function. Should I write some type of script for that, or would be a better way to make this happen?
I tried to find the option in MS Virtual PC 2007 to start everytime I boot windows, but did not found such function. Should I write some type of script for that, or would be a better way to make this happen?
Why not just put it into the autostart folder?
And if you want to start a virtual computer, just put a link to the corresponding .vmc file into the autostart folder.
Just go to the .vmc-file, select 'create shortcut' from the file menu and move the shortcut file to the autostart folder.
As far as I know there is no way to get Virtual PC to start as a service. I have a group policy object for the users that only use a Virtual PC (all training users, booting dummy envionments). Group policy setting:
The setting is Enabled with the following item to run at logon:
That will start Virtual PC 2007 with a single workstation running.
If you don't want the user to have to login to the host PC before the virtual machine will start, set the folloing keys in this registry path:
If AutoLogonCount exists, delete it.
I've stuck a .vbs script in the win startup folder with:
Set objVS = CreateObject("VirtualServer.Application") Set myVPC = objVS.FindVirtualMachine("myVPCNAME")
Create a batch (.bat) file with this in it:
Pop that in your startup folder and Bob's your uncle.