What are my options to forward two USB connected phones to xen guest?
I've read about PCI-passthrough http://www.wlug.org.nz/XenPciPassthrough, but I'm sure usb controller in the server isn't a pci card.
There's device level forwarding, but I need to forward two devices, this here doesn't say how to do it: http://www.olivetalks.com/2008/02/03/usb-forwarding-on-xen-it-just-does-not-work/
Would something as simple as:
usbdevice = [ 'host:xxx', 'host:yyy', ]
EDIT: I'm now starting a bounty. This is really important for me and for other people also, hoping someone who have this resolved will be able to help.
I use Xen with USB passthrough to my domU on Centos5.
So far I can tell: Forward the complete USB-stuff or nothing. Do not try to forward only some OHCI/UHCI devices.
So here it runs more or less (haven't started a stress test yet):
My dom0 is booted with kernel-parameter noirqdebug (grub).
I can confirm that above approach works under the following preconditions:
CentOS 5.5 guest, kernel 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5xen x86_64
Your best bet is to put the phone on a retired desktop and run whatever you need on bare metal. Yeah it sucks!