Is there a simple script I can use to give a destination folder and the AD group I want to use and it would generate a set of folders with the members of that AD group and delegate the proper permissions to those folders?
I have gotten as far as dsget group "FQN" -members
and it returns a list of FQN's.
Here is an example of what I am looking for...
Root Folder - has permission for SomeADGroup (already set up)
member1 - member1 has modify; other SomeADGroup members, no permissions
member2 - member2 has modify; other SomeADGroup members, no permissions
memberN - memberN has modify; other SomeADGroup members, no permissions
Here-- have at.
A quick tour:
Set the DOMAIN, GROUP, and DESTINATION_PATH. Obviously, you'll have to be logged-on as a user with rights to make directories and set permission under the DESTINATION_PATH when you run this.
I could've probably done this more efficient in PowerShell, except that I can't stand PowerShell and haven't wanted to be bothered to get more in-depth with it. >smile< Likewise, I could've probably done the directory-making with the FileSystemObject, but this was faster for me to write. I could've done something fancier instead of the CACLS but, hey, it works.
You can use powershell to do both. Depending on the size and depth of your folders it could take some recursion to get working.
You can create a folder simply
Then the easiest way to set permissions is probably using a if statements or something like that.
In powershell you use the two commandlets get-acl and set-acl to change permissions. So get the permission set from a predifined folder with the correct permissions, and set them to the folder you are working on.
Or define the permissions into a variable and just use set-acl depending on if you want the same permissions per folder.
Then use a couple of IF statements or soemthing to specify permissions based on folder name.