I don't see a way to re-attach it at boot "natively". You could use a "startup script" with the DISKPART commands to re-attach it, or deploy a script in the "Startup" program group to re-attach it after logon. That's disappointing and hackish, but at least it would give you what you wanted.
@echo off
echo SELECT VDISK FILE=(vdisk filename here)>%TEMPFILE%
It's sad, but it's the best I can see to do for now...
Another way is to attach on service level. You need instsrv.exe and srvany.exe from Windows Resource Kit Tools. Put them to any folder with the following files:
@echo off
cd %~dp0
copy srvany.* c:\windows\system32\
copy srvany-attach-disk-W c:\windows\system32\
instsrv disk_W_attach "c:\windows\system32\srvany.exe"
regedit disk-W-install-permanently.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"AppParameters"="/c srvany.bat"
@echo on
set log=%temp%\srvany.log
echo log: Running at %date% %time% >>%log%
diskpart /s srvany-attach-disk_W >>%log%
net stop disk_W_attach
VHD attach program worked for me. It attaches VHD for all the users. No need to create a start up script or scheduled task. The program attaches VHD itself. you just need to install the program. Attach your VHD file once or go to options -> Add the VHD file and select Auto Attach. Thanks Josip. You are awesome
I made a program for this, BMVHDloader.com, Free and still updated all the time. It will be a service on the next release. And its free to distribute since i needed it and the above mentioned was not available. I figure if i needed it and it was not around then i would let everyone have it for free. The one mentioned above (" VHD Attach" ) i believe was made with VB Also this month i am releasing a version for server 2003 and XP. :) Please pass to everyone that needs it and check back for updates on my site. Happy VHD'ing
There is no native way to do this - Windows does not currently persist attached VHDs across a reboot. A system startup script is going to be your best bet.
I created a batch file that uses diskpart /s and specifies a script to use that attaches my various VHD files. Then I created a scheduled task to execute during startup.
Here is a page I created with a step by step process to do it.
Put the same diskpart /s command into task sheduler with 'highest privileges' checked and 'run it on computer startup'.
It works for me (not for boot disk), mounts vhd even before user logs on.
I don't see a way to re-attach it at boot "natively". You could use a "startup script" with the DISKPART commands to re-attach it, or deploy a script in the "Startup" program group to re-attach it after logon. That's disappointing and hackish, but at least it would give you what you wanted.
It's sad, but it's the best I can see to do for now...
Another way is to attach on service level. You need instsrv.exe and srvany.exe from Windows Resource Kit Tools. Put them to any folder with the following files:
dir /b
Now edit script srvany-attach-disk_W to point to your VHD, execute disk-W-install-permanently.cmd with admin privileges and reboot. That's all!
You can try using VHD attach. It has option to attach VHD after each boot. Since one part runs as service, no UAC prompt will bother you.
VHD attach program worked for me. It attaches VHD for all the users. No need to create a start up script or scheduled task. The program attaches VHD itself. you just need to install the program. Attach your VHD file once or go to options -> Add the VHD file and select Auto Attach. Thanks Josip. You are awesome
I made a program for this, BMVHDloader.com, Free and still updated all the time. It will be a service on the next release. And its free to distribute since i needed it and the above mentioned was not available. I figure if i needed it and it was not around then i would let everyone have it for free. The one mentioned above (" VHD Attach" ) i believe was made with VB Also this month i am releasing a version for server 2003 and XP. :) Please pass to everyone that needs it and check back for updates on my site. Happy VHD'ing
There is no native way to do this - Windows does not currently persist attached VHDs across a reboot. A system startup script is going to be your best bet.
I created a batch file that uses diskpart /s and specifies a script to use that attaches my various VHD files. Then I created a scheduled task to execute during startup.
Here is a page I created with a step by step process to do it.
Put the same diskpart /s command into task sheduler with 'highest privileges' checked and 'run it on computer startup'. It works for me (not for boot disk), mounts vhd even before user logs on.