We've been using the web deployment tool (aka msdeploy) to sync our main web server with our failover servers. It's great - it'll migrate permissions, IIS configuration, virtual directories, files, folders; in fact, we used it to mirror our main web server onto a fresh Windows 2008 box in about ten minutes, and it just worked - really impressive.
It's the best way we've found of capturing IIS files and configuration state.
We've been using the web deployment tool (aka msdeploy) to sync our main web server with our failover servers. It's great - it'll migrate permissions, IIS configuration, virtual directories, files, folders; in fact, we used it to mirror our main web server onto a fresh Windows 2008 box in about ten minutes, and it just worked - really impressive.
It's the best way we've found of capturing IIS files and configuration state.
We use http://www.xs4all.nl/~edienske/abaktu/
It does excellent backups and is configured in 5 minutes in a small xml file.
We nightly dump the IIS XML config into a directory using Iisback.vbs
Check it out at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/Library/IIS/5e7e923c-b374-4872-a8f5-da85ec1315fd.mspx?mfr=true