How do I apply a MAC Address (of my choice, not random) to a VE (Virtuozzo powered)
I tried this:
[root@node root]# vzctl set VEID# --mac "actual mac address here" --save Invalid usage. Option --ifname not specified
In order to license software for use for my client's company, the vendor needs the MAC Addresses setup for their vps' virtual enet interfaces.
Tried various methods, not working.
[root@node root]# vzctl set VEID# --mac --venet "mac-address" --save Bad parameter for --mac: --venet
[root@node root]# vzctl set VEID# --mac --eth0 "mac-address" --save Bad parameter for --mac: --eth0
[root@node root]# vzctl set VEID# --venet --mac "mac-address" --save VEID#: unrecognized option `--venet'
[root@node root]# vzctl set VEID# --mac "mac-address" --save Invalid usage. Option --ifname not specified
[root@node root]# vzctl set VEID# --mac "mac-address" --venet --save VEID#: unrecognized option `--venet'
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The Virtuozzo NODE uses Centos, as does the VPS container.
Since you paid for Virtuozzo, I'd suggest asking Parallels for support directly. If you were using the free/open source version, OpenVZ, I'd tell you to use a virtual ethernet device, because the default networking method used does not allow MAC addresses.
You need the --netif parameter to assign the mac address to the container virtual network adapter