On my workstation I noticed that my network utilization is high and constant even though I don't have any downloads currently going. I fire up iftop and see the following entry at the top: => * :bootpc 0b 0b 0b
<= 133Kb 162Kb 163Kb
The actual download speeds vary between 70Kb to 170Kb or more. bootps is port 67, bootpc is port 68.
I have no idea what this might be. Has anyone seen this before? Is some system on this LAN going haywire?
There's nothing abonormal going on. You're seeing BOOTP or DHCP requests / responses to / from other computers on the wire. They just broadcast traffic, so I suppose, technically, you could say that your computer is "downloading" the traffic but it's just being ignored and thrown away by your OS.
read the following: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootstrap_Protocol