I have a mountpoint /mnt/v1 and a user bak in group bak. I did this:
sudo chown bak:bak /mnt/v1
sudo chmod 775 /mnt/v1
Now I want to mount an external fat32 drive with partition /dev/sdb1 to this directory. I get the message "only root can do that", so I found out I need to change fstab and added this line:
/dev/sdb1 /mnt/v1 vfat noauto,user 0 2
But still I get the nasty message "only root can do this" when I mount like this:
bak$ mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/v1
But when I mount as root the whole drive get permissions of root which I don't want.
Is there some action necessary so the new fstab entry get's read into the kernel? How can I achieve what I want?
When you mount your vfat partion you can pass a uid and gid option to set the userid and groupid the filesystem will be owned by. You can also set a file and directory permission mask. If the filesystem will be used by several people consider creating a group and adding yourself as a member.
Your fstab should look something like this.
and your mount command would look like this.
You may also want to look at installing the pmount package to make mounting filesystem as a user easy.
Answer to questions in the comments.
If you want a user to be able to mount the command without using sudo, then yes.
You could remove the noauto from the fstab, and the filesystem will be mounted at boot time. Or as a regular user they can mount with a command like mount /mnt/v1.
Since you have used noauto, nothing will happen automatically. The entry just allows a user to be able to mount the fileystem.