I'm attempting to set up a mailserver for a small office. FYI, we're replacing Kerio Mailserver on OS X with Postfix, Dovecot, postfixadmin, and Squirrelmail on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04.)
I installed the "dovecot-postfix" package, and configured them, and my test server is now accepting and sending messages via SMTP, and I can connect with POP/IMAP clients and receive email. I can log into postfixadmin over the web and add users. I followed this (excellent) walkthrough: http://craigballinger.com/blog/2009/07/postfix-dovecot-mailserver-on-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope/
The main feature I'm lacking now is the ability for users to set vacation/away messages. The squirrelmail plugins don't seem well-suited to the setup I have (where user info is stored in MySQL).
This: http://wiki.dovecot.org/LDA/Sieve seems like my best bet, but I can't really fit my head around how all this stuff is supposed to work together to provide a web interface to set vacation/away messages. I'm looking for the best solution for getting vacation messages up and running with my current setup, or a suggestion for an alternate setup. (So far this is just a test server, with production still running on Kerio, so starting over IS an option.)
Glad the walkthrough was helpful. While not a perfect solution, (considering you're using Squirrelmail) I did just post a followup on implementing postfixadmin's virtual vacation plugin. http://craigballinger.com/blog/2009/08/postfix-vacation-autoresponder/ It should at least give you an option if you haven't found a solution yet. I'm currently writing a plugin for roundcube's webmail app that will give users access to the autoresponder functionality from inside their webmail. Hopefully the first build of that isn't too far out.
I used a modified version of the "Virtual Vacation" script from Postfixadmin to do this. Modifying the vacation manager squirrelmail plugin to use the DB instead of files was a piece of cake from there.
Create a /var/vmail/globalsieverc file
chown vmail /var/vmail/globalsieverc
in the plugin {} Section define:
In your /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf file add managesieve to your protocols:
apt-get install avelsieve
know you can you use the "filters" link in squirrelmail
have fun
You might want to have a look at http://feurix.org/projects/response/ for a vacation autoresponder designed for virtual users (works fine with other lookup table types). It stores vacation config and -messages in MySQL or PostgreSQL. All SQL queries can be customized.