I want to save/download pdfs from X website and then combined all those pdfs into one, so that it is easy for me to see all of them at once.
What I did,
get pdfs from website
wget -r -l1 -A.pdf --no-parent http://linktoX
combine pdfs into one
gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=Combined_`date +%F`.pdf -dBATCH file1.pdf file2.pdf file3.pdf
My question/problem is, I thought of automating whole this in one script, so that I don't have to do this everyday. Here new pdfs are added daily in X.
So, how can I do step 2 above, without giving full list of all the pdfs, i tried doing file*.pdf
in step2; but it combined all pdfs in random order.
Next problem is, total number of file*.pdf is not same everyday, sometimes 5 pdfs sometimes 10...but nice thing is it is named in order file1.pdf file2.pdf ...
So, I need some help to complete above step 2, such that all pdfs are combined in order and I dont have to give name of each pdf explicitly
UPDATE: This solved the problem
pdftk `ls -rt kanti*.pdf` cat output Kanti.pdf
I did ls -rt
as file1.pdf
was downloaded first, and then file2.pdf
and so on...just doing ls -t
put file20.pdf
in the start and file1.pdf
in last...
Try pdftk and use sort like this:
Instead of file*.pdf, you can output the list of files that you want with another command by using backticks e.g.
ls ...
as in chmeee's answer. You should be able to use your original ghostscript command like this:This will sort the files by modify date, oldest first:
This will sort them numerically, starting with the 5th character: