I'm having trouble setting up the mail service correctly on my os x leopard server. In server admin, under Mail>General the domain is set to "mydomain.net.nz", and my host name "servername.mydomain.net.nz", yet whenever an account is created, the email address will be [email protected] instead of just [email protected].
Am I missing something, or is there somewhere I can change this? I have looked in the /etc/postfix/main.cf file, and mydomain is set to just mydomain.net.nz.
The user accounts can send and receive fine, but only to the accounts @servername.mydomain.net.nz.
Email sent externally to the domain are getting "Relay access denied (state 14)."
Where can I change this?
in main.cf:
For outbound stuff:
For inbound stuff:
see also: http://www.postfix.org/BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README.html