RDBMS: SQL Server 2005
I am connecting to SQL Server through Windows Authentication. My account(domain\me) belong to a group, "domain\alert"
The problem is that, even after denying a select permission on a table(actually all permissions), I could still access that table on a new connection.
deny select on dbo.perm to [domain\me]
And one thing to note is that, the group i belong to, "domain\alert" is a dbo of database the table is located.
As far as I know, deny
permission takes precedence over grant
What permission can still be granting me a permission to select
the perm
From Books Online's Permissions Hierarchy: SQL Server 2005 Permissions Hierarchy http://i.msdn.microsoft.com/ms191465.dd24bb63-ab23-4f72-906f-ebc348fc64d8(en-US,SQL.90).gif
It looks like the Fixed database role takes precedence over the permissions given to a Windows Domain Login. I also was under the impression that a
would always take precedence over aGRANT
, but I guess Fixed database roledbo
trumps all.