I am trying to configure asterisk PBX behind my FreeBSD router. To allow other sip clients to call I need to forward ports to my local network asterisk machine. I did it for 5060 and 5061 ports using ipnat and configuring ipnat.rules
rdr fxp0 217.199.MYIP.MYIP/32 port 5061 -> port 5061 udp
But I do not know how I can redirect UDP port range from 60000 to 610000 and also port range UDP Port 10000 - 20000
With PF, you could do it with variables.
myports = "{ 22 25 2022 2222 8000 }" rdr on $ext_if proto udp from any to $ext_if port $myports ->
...or something.
Ill answer in to my question regard to others if will have similar problems
Trick in the minus sing (-) where you can set range of ports,