I have two questions,
Can I use existing 2nd Hard Drive as External Hard Drive inside Virtual Server Instance running on same machine?
If I use right now Virtual Server 2005 and run my server, tomorrow if I buy HyperV on different machine, can I just simply use same Virtual Hard Drive in Hyper V Without having to reinstall everything?
1 - If this hard drive is USB, then you will not be able to access it in a guest. Virtual Server does not support USB from the guest operating system.
2 - Yes, Hyper-V will read your Virtual Server 2005 VHD files. This is essentially how we migrated from VS2005 to Hyper-V by manually attaching the VHD files to new machine configurations. You will need to uninstall the old guest service and install the new Hyper-V guest services for everything to work smoothly though.
You can put a .VHD on the external drive and use it - However be aware you can have your disk drivers load after Hyper-V tries to start and get errors - I never use external drives but that problem goes back to window service dependancies and was a common question in the early days of Virtual Server.
Steve Radich - http://www.VirtualServerFAQ.com - http://www.BitShop.com