Tired of wading throug MMC jungles, I need a way to import a given .cer
file (which contains just a public key) into machine-wide certificate store (don't know how is it called in English since I'm using a localized version of Windows) into "Personal Certificates" folder. Both cmd.exe
or PowerShell versions will be fine.
Powershell solution, using System.Security.Cryptograpy.X509Certificates:
Sorry for all the full namespace specifications, but there's no "using" directive in PowerShell.
I don't know how to import it from the command line, but you don't need MMCs in order to install a certificate, double-clicking on it is just enough.
This is wrong. See Massimo's post with the powershell reflection assembly.
Uh ... the powershell way is to open the MMC. Technet Link
This command opens the Certificates MMC snap-in to manage the specified certificate.