How can I set up Visual SVN Server to run on port 443 and also have IIS set up to handle other website access on port 443? The URL usually points to /svn/ for the svn server anyway and the other websites point to /fogbugz/ for example.
Or is it possible to have Visual SVN Server just use IIS instead of Apache?
Duplicated question: Is it possible to bind domain names to VisualSVN server and IIS on the one box without using a port?
Option 1: Run VisualSVN Server and IIS on different IP address
You can run VisualSVN Server and IIS side-by-side on the same port using multiple IP address on network interfaces:
To configure VisualSVN Server bind to only specific interfaces use the following steps:
To configure IIS listen on specific interface use the following steps: 1. Start elevated command prompt 2. Execute following command: netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=IPADDRESS
Option 2: Use use reverse proxy for IIS
Use SvnReverseProxy to redirect traffic from IIS to VisualSVN Server. See following links for details:
I asked an almost identical question here. I also have a blog post which contains information on an (admittedly basic) workaround here: