On our 2008 R2 domain, I have a strange entry in the list of folder replica.
\\?\C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain dc1 Enabled SYSVOL Share C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain dc2 Enabled SYSVOL Share C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain dc3 Enabled SYSVOL Share C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain dc4 Enabled SYSVOL Share
While everything seems to work fine, I'm trying to decided if the first entry is something I should worry about.
The "\?\" notation is valid. I'm not sure why your machine is listing it that way, but it's perfectly valid.
Explorer doesn't seem to like that notation, treating it as a UNC, apparently. CMD.EXE likes it fine, thought. Try doing a "dir \?\C:\WINDOWS" (or some other valid directory) from a CMD prompt on one of your Windows PCs and you'll see what I mean.
The \\?\ notation is primarily used to work around the MAX_PATH limit, allowing a path length of up to about 32767 chars. Some Windows API functions have a Unicode version that supports that notation, some don't. My guess is that dc1 is either a more recent OS or a higher service pack or patch level than the other DCs, and that MS rewrote either the NTFRS code or a library used by the NTFRS code to support \\?\ notation for the new version.
Clicky for info.