When you finished installation of your linux machine, what are the first packages that you install, and what are the tools that you get first ?
In my Debian box, I get pv, screen, ccze, ... like this
apt-get install pv screen ccze
Please send your feedback.
On every host I setup I install these.
I like Zoredache's list, so I would add these to that list:
For non-packages:
I don't use apt-get anymore!
after that, some basic settings:
in most cases:
and.. i just cannot help
Don't forget to add 'lsof' to the list. That command is so handy.
That depends entirely on what you need. If I do a minimal install it's for the purpose of keeping the installation as trim as practical. Therefore, only those tools required on that particular machine will get installed. Perhaps the only thing my machines have in common is Pico, because I just can't come to grips with vi and I do need some kind of text editor that I can use.
Remember that once you start adding some kind of standard list of tools, whether they are actually required on that specific machine or not, you no longer have a minimal installation.
lsof, bind9-host, moreutils and htop are first to go in on my newly set-up machines.
For extra points, one can make an empty debian package called "my-server-base" which depends on all the packages you want on each box, then just install that on each machine you set up.
I normally try to get buy with only what I need. At a bare minimum: openssh, rsync, ntp, and screen. Everything else is "as needed".
Unfortunately, it seems that lately, quite a bit more is needed. So: build-essentials, postfix, lsof, clamav, tripwire, nrpe, and cfengine have also made the list.
dstat, Ksar, iostat, mytop, iotop, vmstat, sysstat, nmap, fail2ban, mtr, clamav, chrootkit, els