What GUI tools do you advise to improve the usability of Linux for those accustomed to doing system administration the windows-way?
Users new to Linux often get confused when they need to configure something: editing a text configuration file may seem hard to them, and they want a GUI to tick checkboxes and just get what they want. A short list includes: hardware issues, drivers, Xorg (especially!), performance, network settings, sharing, user accounts, etc.
P.S. I've looked through questions already asked here, and found that there's no real centralized list of applications. Let's unite our knowledge! Community Wiki ;)
Short term, you've got some good answers here, especially the recommendation for Webmin. But, I feel compelled to suggest that over the long term, if you're serious about your Linux boxes, learn the command line. That's the way most *nix tools are designed. If you don't take advantage of that, you'll be doing things the hard way, forever.
The easy way isn't the easy way.
You do know about Webmin, right?
Most of Redhat's system-config-* tools have a gui front-end. For example, here's system-config-lvm and system-config-users. I don't know all of them as I'm not a big Redhat fan, but I know there are quite a few.
The Gadmin Tools are a useful collection of GUI utilities for the "point and click" andministrator.
From their homepage:
If you need a very easy firewall with an easy frontend, check out
and the frontendgufw
. Both are available in the Ubuntu repositories.Here are some screenshots: http://gufw.tuxfamily.org/screenshots.html
The Gnome "System Monitor" (gnome-system-monitor package in Ubuntu) gives graphic display of CPU, memory and network load against time. krunner is the KDE alternative. Anything else I would choose to do via command line tools.
Edit: I tried using the GUI "Users Administration Tool" on an old Ubuntu server/workstation to get rid of an unwanted user account. It seemed to work but after a reboot I saw that the unwanted account was still there. A simple command "sudo userdel -r oldaccount" did the job correctly and also gave a warning message about a file that had incorrect permissions. I believe that similar shortcomings might be found in other GUI tools as well.
Wikipedia has a list of available control panels Each one has their benefits.
The issue you have described seems like it is more for general administration of a desktop which is probably accomplished better using tips from pboin's answer.
My favorite GUI linux administration tool is PuTTY. Combine it with Xming and Apache for easy access to all the admin tools, whether commandline, X-GUI, or web-based.
Have you tried SME Server? It's basically CentOS with administration panel.