I have a filesystem under /var/hudson/jobs which is exported thus:
/var/hudson/jobs *(ro,no_root_squash,nohide)
I regularly mount new LVM volumes under that directory structure (say, /var/hudson/jobs/A/2222) and want to be able to mount these from my client nodes.
In the configuration above, I get the following error if I try
request to export directory /var/hudson/jobs/A/2222 below nearest filesystem /var/hudson/jobs
I could live with mounting all of /var/hudson/jobs on the client but I can't see any content under /var/hudson/jobs/A/2222 when I do. This suggests to met that nohide isn't working as expected, though this isn't a surprise given the caveats in the man page.
How can I see this other filesystems from the NFS client without adding a line to /etc/exports for each one?
This is on RHEL5.
(5):You should go with whichever one of "duplicate exports lines, one per client" or "lots of exports+mounts" is less work in your situation. I'd expect that the former is probably going to work better.