I have about a dozen weirdly named folders, for example 5e812807b3e1b04248ed046794a01b, on my d: drive after installing SQL Server 2008.
Inside each folder are two subfolders: 1033 and hotfixexpress
\1033\eula.txt \1033\finalsql2005information.rtf \1033\hotfix.rll \1033\sqlhotfix.chm \1033\sqlse.rll
I get access denied whenever I try to delete any of these files / folders. I tried again after stopping all SQL server services, without luck.
Any ideas?
i had many of these hex-named folder after SQL Server 2005 components failed to install and i finally figured how to delete them.
you should be able to delete the folder.
Solved! Here is what I did, so others can use this if it helps. For a while, it seemed nothing could get rid of them…
TAKEOWN /S MYMACHINE /U MYMACHINE\Administrator /P mypw5678! /F C:\Temp*.* /A /R This command takes ownership of everything under the Temp folder. The /S /U and /P parameters tell the command to run in “remote” mode, using the UserID and Password of the local Administrator account I had enabled. The /A parameter tells TAKEOWN to set the owner to the “Administrators” group, of which I am a member. The /R parameter tells the command to recurse through all subfolders and operate on all matching files there. The command ran without errors and listed all the files processed.
ICACLS C:\Temp*.* /grant myuserid:F /T /C This command grants “:F”ull access to user myuserid for all the files and folders under C:\Temp. The /T parameter says to recursively run the command against all matching files and folders in the subfolder Tree below. The /C parameter says to continue processing even if errors are encountered on some files. The command ran without errors and listed all the files processed.
Note: Most of the junk files and folders were from failed installs of SQLExpress 2005, a Windows update that applied to my system. For some reason, the update failed about 30 times in a row before succeeding, and then left 8GB of garbage install files in hex-named folders at the root of my C: drive. Folders had names like C:\1ebc183d41d6a20786b98480ace73e C:\1ef15ba4dd35fb37f7e76a4e10deea C:\2a6a3f60d7adb185704e2a … … C:\ae4d3d733fcf5c529a858376cc2f39 C:\faafc48c46823ebe5c58bc
Good luck, sorry for the formatting, copied directly from an Outlook Email, and I hope this saves someone the hours of frustration it caused me.
From answer 1 above I was surprised that I could move them. I created a '0temp' folder in C so that it appeared right above all the dodgy folders. I was able to drag each dodgy folder into 0temp then just delete 0temp and all its contents. - Tried it first with just 1 subfolder.
For me I was able to cut and paste the folders into the temp folder. Then I selected them all, made them all read-only and then not read-only. Then I was able to simply delete.
I've had luck in deleting these type of folders after a reboot. It's not the ideal solution, but it works.
Move offending data to new folder on desktop, right click said folder, uncheck 'read only' box on the properties tab. Delete folder, all is good ;)