It should be fairly straightforward in Perl. Just take auth.log and get a list of IPs out of it with grep or awk, then pipe your list of IPs into a Perl script, and use Geo::IP to get a country/city match from it.
#Parses out ip and prints ip followed by country
use strict;
use warnings;
use Regexp::Common qw /net/;
use Geo::IP;
my $gi = Geo::IP->new(GEOIP_STANDARD);
while (<>) {
#Following matches IPv4 addresses and stores the result in $1
#The way this is now, it will only do the first IP on each line
if (/($RE{net}{IPv4})/g) {
print $1 . ':' . $gi->country_code_by_addr($1);
The script justs loops over its input, so if the script is called and is executable, you can just do something like cat access.log | If you want more accurate detail, see Geo::IP perl module docs (and you might need to install a different database).
It should be fairly straightforward in Perl. Just take auth.log and get a list of IPs out of it with grep or awk, then pipe your list of IPs into a Perl script, and use Geo::IP to get a country/city match from it.
Ubuntu PreReqs:
sudo apt-get install libgeoip1 libgeo-ip-perl libregexp-common-perl
Script By Me just For you:
Input Output:
The script justs loops over its input, so if the script is called and is executable, you can just do something like
cat access.log |
. If you want more accurate detail, see Geo::IP perl module docs (and you might need to install a different database).From commandlinefu:
with python: