Have anyone faced the same error?
None of the sources seems to be working. I even tried disconnecting Bluetooth & restarting the "Kazam" app.
kazam worked fine on ubuntu 19.04, recording audio and video, and showing the red rectangular border during screencast recording;
after installing ubuntu 20.04, kazam (from the repository) records video with no sound and does not show the red border as a visual cue so you know which part of screen is recorded
I looked at pavucontrol and nothing is muted, the sound is fine, it is just that kazam is not recording the sound
Also, going to File-Preferences in Kazam, in the General tab, the speaker sound is set to off. I can set it on, to max even, but there is no OK or Apply button, so as soon as I close this dialog, upon returning, the speaker sound shows again off as before. And recording with this dialog open and the sound set to max in the dialog, still has no effect, video is recorded muted.
I tried editing the
file manually and set audio_toggled = True and restarted kazam but there was no effect
this is probably not related, but sure doesn't help, that in ubuntu 18.04, installing alsa-utils made available the really nifty and useful text-based commandline audio control/config tool
where you could use arrow keys to adjust the volume of the speakers, headphone etc. The alsamixer from alsa-utils in 20.04 seems to have taken all those options away and seems to have no way of visualizing or adjusting any volumes. Wish I could have the alsamixer from 18.04 that was so much more useful. Here is what alsamixer used to look like:
Two days back I upgraded ubuntu 19.04 into 20.04 lts. However, I noticed that the update got stuck at a particular stage saying 'Removing gnome-logs snap'. This window stays forever
Screenshot of the error while updating:
And the screen recording application Kazam is not recording audio. I tried with different screen recorders but of no use. No application detects the microphone. I looked for any changes in settings but everything was fine. I could see microphone detecting the sound from the dynamic bars. While trying to open it in terminal it shows this error
$ kazam WARNING Kazam - Failed to correctly detect operating system
It was showing kazam failed to detect audio recording device few hours back. I uninstalled and reinstalled the application but nothing worked. I even installed PulseAudio volume controller but it neither detects any application that uses audio recording option.
Screenshot of PulseAudio volume controller detecting no recording device:
However, the Telegram desktop client is perfectly recording audio. I don't know what exactly happened with these applications.
This is the screenshot of Kazam not detecting the recording device:
I want to make a lecture video for my students but I'm stuck with these issues for hours. I would have changed the OS altogether. But since I don't have a USB I can't try that option. Somebody please answer.
My OS: Ubuntu 20.04LTS
python --version
: Command python not found
python3 --version
: Python 3.8.2
Kazam was working well. I regularly upgrade packages using sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade
commands. I also update OS using update-manager -c
command. So, one day kazam has stopped working. It gives the following error:
/usr/bin/kazam:32: PyGIWarning: Gtk was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
from gi.repository import Gtk
WARNING Kazam - Failed to correctly detect operating system.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/kazam", line 147, in <module>
from kazam.app import KazamApp
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kazam/app.py", line 36, in <module>
from kazam.backend.prefs import *
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kazam/backend/prefs.py", line 30, in <module>
from kazam.backend.webcam import Webcam
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kazam/backend/webcam.py", line 24, in <module>
from gi.repository import GObject, GUdev
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi/importer.py", line 132, in load_module
raise ImportError('cannot import name %s, '
ImportError: cannot import name GUdev, introspection typelib not found
I had run sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
for a different purpose. After some days the following happened: (Don't know how the system installed this python version)
python --version
: Python 2.7.18rc1
Later I deleted the symbolic link too. So, now python
command outputs Command not found.
I'm trying to use Kazam to take videos of the screen. It always records the 1/4 of top left of my screen, no matter what I do. No matter if I select the entire screen, a window or select a piece of the screen to record.
I guess it has to do with scaling. I use scaling in my ubuntu because it's a 4k monitor. Is there a way to overcome this?