I've tested installing a certificate with Strong Private Key Protection on Windows 10 Enterprise and confirmed when the VPN software tries to access it, Windows prompts me to enter the password I set during the private key import process.
When I run through the same steps on one install of Windows 10 Home machine, the VPN software (same version) gets access to the certificate without me having entered my Strong Private Key Protection password despite it having been set during import. When I test with a different install of Windows 10 Home, Strong Private Key Protection works as expected.
I've tried with multiple passwords in case Windows was doing something stupid like auto-filling it with one which was identical to the Windows user password.
I've also tried deleting the cert from the user store and connecting the VPN, but the VPN as expected then complains that it can't authenticate, so I know that the certificate I'm installing is the one that's being used for authentication. After reinstalling the certificate with Strong Private Key Protection, it goes right back to automatically signing in to the VPN without prompting for the password to be entered.
So, any ideas how to make it work on the one machine where it doesn't?
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