I am testing a bare metal recovery of my server which basically starts a set of docker container with my services. I recovered from a backup /etc/docker
, where I keep all the configuration and persistent volumes.
I then tried to start one of the containers:
root@srv-backup:/etc/docker# docker-compose --verbose -f /etc/docker/docker-compose.d/20-registry.yaml up
compose.config.config.find: Using configuration files: /etc/docker/docker-compose.d/20-registry.yaml
ERROR: compose.cli.main.main: .IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/docker/docker-compose.d/20-registry.yaml'
The file is however there:
root@srv-backup:/# ll /etc/docker/docker-compose.d/20-registry.yaml
-rwxrwxr-x+ 1 root root 842 Jan 24 15:19 /etc/docker/docker-compose.d/20-registry.yaml*
root@srv-backup:/# cat /etc/docker/docker-compose.d/20-registry.yaml
container_name: registry
image: registry
- traefik.http.routers.registry.rule=Host(`registry.example.com`)
- traefik.http.routers.registry.entryPoints=https
- traefik.http.routers.registry.tls=true
- traefik.http.routers.registry.tls.certresolver=le
- traefik.http.middlewares.lan.ipwhitelist.sourcerange=,
- traefik.http.routers.registry.middlewares=lan
- traefik.enable=true
restart: unless-stopped
- /etc/docker/container-data/registry:/var/lib/registry
version: '3'
root@srv-backup:/# file /etc/docker/container-data/registry
/etc/docker/container-data/registry: directory
I tried all kind of incantations with relative and full paths - the issue is the same.
I was wondering whether the docker daemon has access to the file, but it also runs as root
root@srv-backup:/# ps -ef | grep docker
root 2048 1 0 10:58 ? 00:00:08 dockerd -G docker --exec-root=/var/snap/docker/423/run/docker --data-root=/var/snap/docker/common/var-lib-docker --pidfile=/var/snap/docker/423/run/docker.pid --config-file=/var/snap/docker/423/config/daemon.json
root 2200 2048 0 10:58 ? 00:00:07 containerd --config /var/snap/docker/423/run/docker/containerd/containerd.toml --log-level error
I am quite at loss why it does not work (the docker file works correctly on the server I am trying to replicate in this DRP exercise)
I found a workaround (this is not exactly an answer to the problem, but allows to go forward).
snap installation:snap remove docker
from the repositories:apt install docker.io
:Now the command I used to start the example container works.
There must be something special with the snap version of
.This actually helped me
the problem could be related to the python version
docker-compose 1.27.x runs for me with Python 3.6.x
for >= 1.28 , one would need 3.7.x
docker-compose >= 1.27 dropped support for Python 2.7
I am not aware of lower version numbers
It could also be as simple as it was by me: Just start docker.
The error message was a bit irritating.