I’ve been reading over ntp documentation and I’m not quite sure I’m wrapping my head around ‘stepout’. We have a large environment of Linux VM’s that require ‘tinker panic 0’ to be set. ntp is configured in slew mode (required) and VM’s will routinely have clocks skewed by large values.
I’m trying to tune ntp.conf so that if the time cannot be corrected to 5 seconds within 30 minutes that the service steps the clock as to avoid manually having to manually restart the service.
I configured stepout 60, and manually changed the clock on a VM. ntp did in fact step the time but it took about 20 minutes for it to do so.
I’m not sure if I’m interpreting documentation for the service correctly and am hoping someone has any insight on optimizing ntp.conf for VM’s can offer any suggestions/insight.
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