I have a file uploaded to our website under a /Downloads folder, which I created. The download link, similar to:
had no issues downloading up until a few weeks ago. I am not sure what changed.
I now receive(d) 403 Forbidden nginx
as the message. I put past tense, because I saw this SO article. I implemented the solution and the error changed. I now get:
You do not have permission to access this document.
Permissions are file, same as every other file on the web server. Linux is on the back-end and presumably uses Apache.
I talked with the web hosting company and they were not helpful. Making the file name lower case for cosmetic reasons made me hiss and deleting the .exe
extension and saying problem solved
made me doubly hiss. Neither explains the problem or the solution.
NGINX is obviously part of the picture. That is simply part of the web host package, much like a radio when you lease a car. You get it whether you want it or not, not that NGINX is necessarily the problem.
Permissions on Download and down:
rwx r-x r-x
Someone else added the executable permission, which I want to delete, as the file should be downloadable only, not executable on the server. The web host support technician a few weeks should not have done that. I just left it for now.
Plesk Control Panel
Technician added the following into the Apache and nginx settings area.
Into both Additional Directives for HTTP/HTTPS
<Location /shared/>
Options +Indexes
I easily found this morning In the Plesk panel, under the Apache & nginx settings for the domain. Checking the box: 'Serve static files directly by nginx'
and placed a check in the box, but now I do not see this option there.
Everything else is standard issue (I reserve using the word default, as the index file box has a laundry list and not default checked.).
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