I am having trouble getting PHP to be executed instead of treated like plain text.
I'm on a new Debian 10 development server, and have installed e.g. apache2
and libapache2-mod-php
, which installed libapache2-mod-php7.3
, but a2enmod
is not finding a PHP module to execute. /etc/apache2/mods-available
access_compat.load dir.conf proxy_express.load
actions.conf dir.load proxy_fcgi.load
actions.load dump_io.load proxy_fdpass.load
alias.conf echo.load proxy_ftp.conf
alias.load env.load proxy_ftp.load
allowmethods.load expires.load proxy_hcheck.load
asis.load ext_filter.load proxy_html.conf
auth_basic.load file_cache.load proxy_html.load
auth_digest.load filter.load proxy_http2.load
auth_form.load headers.load proxy_http.load
authn_anon.load heartbeat.load proxy.load
authn_core.load heartmonitor.load proxy_scgi.load
authn_dbd.load http2.conf proxy_uwsgi.load
authn_dbm.load http2.load proxy_wstunnel.load
authn_file.load ident.load ratelimit.load
authn_socache.load imagemap.load reflector.load
authnz_fcgi.load include.load remoteip.load
authnz_ldap.load info.conf reqtimeout.conf
authz_core.load info.load reqtimeout.load
authz_dbd.load lbmethod_bybusyness.load request.load
authz_dbm.load lbmethod_byrequests.load rewrite.load
authz_groupfile.load lbmethod_bytraffic.load sed.load
authz_host.load lbmethod_heartbeat.load session_cookie.load
authz_owner.load ldap.conf session_crypto.load
authz_user.load ldap.load session_dbd.load
autoindex.conf log_debug.load session.load
autoindex.load log_forensic.load setenvif.conf
brotli.load lua.load setenvif.load
buffer.load macro.load slotmem_plain.load
cache_disk.conf md.load slotmem_shm.load
cache_disk.load mime.conf socache_dbm.load
cache.load mime.load socache_memcache.load
cache_socache.load mime_magic.conf socache_shmcb.load
cern_meta.load mime_magic.load speling.load
cgid.conf mpm_event.conf ssl.conf
cgid.load mpm_event.load ssl.load
cgi.load mpm_prefork.conf status.conf
charset_lite.load mpm_prefork.load status.load
data.load mpm_worker.conf substitute.load
dav_fs.conf mpm_worker.load suexec.load
dav_fs.load negotiation.conf unique_id.load
dav.load negotiation.load userdir.conf
dav_lock.load proxy_ajp.load userdir.load
dbd.load proxy_balancer.conf usertrack.load
deflate.conf proxy_balancer.load vhost_alias.load
deflate.load proxy.conf xml2enc.load
dialup.load proxy_connect.load
PHP does not appear to me to be listed.
Are there other steps besides installing Apache, PHP, and the Apache PHP library to be able to a2enmod
Did you run the following commands after you checked Apache worked?
And did you restart Apache after the install?
This was all I had to do to make it work on Debian 10.
Put a file named index.php in your server web-root. It should contain this:
Then open a web browser and point it to your server.
If php works you should now see a whole lot more than what you put in the file.