I need to invalidate the cache of a set of URLs related to a resource that was either deleted/unpublished, or updated. E.g if my resource UUID is 1234abcd
I want to invalidate all its cached derivatives under /resource/1234abcd/*
I understand that there is no way in Varnish to do this with purge
, but it can be done with bans. However I have a hard time understanding how bans exactly work.
If e.g. I update resource 1234abcd
and ban all its derivatives, I assume that the next client request to /resource/1234abcd/derv1
will be a new backend fetch, and that new resource will be cached. Will I have two version of the same derivative, one banned and one not (until the old one expires and eventually its ban expires too)? If my resources have a long expiration date I may accumulate a lot of bans for cache resources that I would much rather have cleared right away.
On a software design level, What is the utility of leaving inaccessible resources around instead of implementing a regex-based purge, which seems more straightforward to manage?
Also, I implemented a ban in my development env, and I see that a ban only takes effect a minute or so after being requested. Does this have to do with the ban lurker or some other timing setting?
Bans & the ban list
Bans in Varnish are done based on the so-called ban list. Items on the ban list match specific criteria that ideally match properties of a cached object.
The ban lurker, a separate thread that monitors the ban list is responsible for removing the matching objects.
Bans & regex url matches
In most cases, you'll want to match a URL pattern that needs to be invalidated.
An easy way would be to issue the following ban:
The problem with this example is the request scope: the ban lurker only has access to the object and its properties. Request information is not part of that, because an object only contains response information.
In this case, the lurker won't match the item on the ban list, and the item will remain in cache until the next user hits a matching URL. This is not efficient.
Lurker-friendly bans
A trick we use to bypass these scoping limitations, is by adding host & url information to the response.
Here's how to do this:
You could then run the following ban:
The lurker would be able to match these properties, and would remote the matching objects from cache, without the need for a request to happen.
When does the lurker remove the objects from cache?
binary has a couple of runtime settings that influence how bans are handled by the ban lurker:How to issue bans
There are 3 ways you can issue a ban:
binary locallyHere's a
example:For more information about a remote CLI call, please have a look at: http://varnish-cache.org/docs/6.0/reference/varnish-cli.html#varnish-command-line-interface
Here's an HTTP example:
In this HTTP example, we combine purging and banning.
A regular purge issued by curl would look like this:
A more flexible regex purge using bans, would be issued like this:
Issues with bans
Banning is not without issues.
The entire concept of bans revolves around matching patterns in a list with objects stored in cache.
So big ban lists, and lots of objects, could cause a lot of CPU overhead
Tags over URLs
Another use case for bans is tag-based invalidation.
Sometimes its quite hard to translate an entity change into matching URLs. Sometimes you don't even know which URLs are affected by an entity change.
In that case it makes more sense, to tag content, and to invalidate objects that match one of these tags.
In your application, you would issue response headers like this:
If you then want to remove all resources that are part of the product category, you could simply issue the following ban:
A better solution for tag-based invalidation
If you're planning to use bans for tag-based invalidation, you'll run into the same CPU issues if your ban list grows to quickly, and you have too many objects in cache that need to be validated.
A better solution is the use of
, which is a Varnish module that comes with the Varnish modules collection. See https://github.com/varnish/varnish-modules/blob/master/src/vmod_xkey.vcc for more info.You have to compile this module, but the API is more flexible, and the performance is a lot better.