I've deployed an Azure VM (woohoo!) and now I'm advised that it's really important that it keeps working. I've had a read up on Availability Zones and It looks like this might be the thing to do but I'm not sure if I understand it correctly.
If I have one VM in an availability zone, will that VM be replicated across the zones ?
thanks in advance,
Azure availability zones
Availability Zones help to spread VMs across different separated parts (with regards to availability) of a region to achieve high availability. But it is still necessary to use a load balancer and at least two VMs to achieve high availability. A single VM can not be high available as a single VM is not protected against hardware failure, misconfiguration, etc.
If you need high availability then you need to run at least 2 VM's. Running a single VM in an availability zone won't help you. Availability zones allow you to specify which zone in a region (usually there are 3 zones in a region) your VM goes into. To have HA you need to have at least 2 VM's so that they can sit in separate regions. You would then need to use something like a load balancer to direct traffic however you want.
You can take this a step further and have 2 VM's, each in a separate region. Availability Zones split your VM's over different buildings, power, network etc. in the same region, but this won't protect your from large scale disasters that affect all zones.