I have a three node cluster k8s which has been setup via kubeadm, I just heard about juju recently and I’m completely new. what I want is that to register my local k8s into my local juju node but as long as I go for registration I come across the following error.
nasri@juju:~$ add-k8s kubeadm-cluster --storage=openebs-hostpath
here I can see juju is trying to connect to where as it is a ClusterIP thus it is private and inaccessible from my machine, but why? after a period it ends up with the error that cannot access to the k8s.
nasri@juju:~$ juju bootstrap kubeadm-cluster
Creating Juju controller “kubeadm-cluster” on kubeadm-cluster
Fetching Juju Dashboard 0.3.0
Creating k8s resources for controller “controller-kubeadm-cluster”
Starting controller pod
Bootstrap agent now started
Contacting Juju controller at to verify accessibility…
ERROR unable to contact api server after 1 attempts: dial tcp i/o timeout
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