I use RANCID to back up router and switch configurations.
I'd also like to be able to have it take automatic backups of configuration files on my servers so I can easily see when changes occur and if something breaks, revert to the last known config.
There are a number of approaches to this, but RANCID has everything I'm looking for in terms of features and I already use it, so it would be ideal if I could have it built in to that.
I see this question from 9 years ago asking the same thing and the top answer pretty much just says "build your own module" - I've had a look at the RANCID modules and I can't wrap my head around how to do that, so looking to see if in the past 9 years if anyone knows of a module that's now out there for this.
Edit: Not yet a complete solution, but I found this repository which seems to have the basics for what I'd need to be able to grab files by SCP and load them into RANCID: https://github.com/drewbeer/rancid-scp
By adapting the code found at https://github.com/drewbeer/rancid-scp, I've got a working solution in place now, requiring the following:
SCP option
HTTP API option
The same principles in steps 2 and 3 from the SCP option applies, I've just created this script to grab config from a specific device's HTTP API as well, here as a bonus: