I am trying to make a simple find > replace regular expression. This does work fine in https://regexr.com/ to find this comment below. However the editor I use is EMEditor that i try to make a find and replace trough files and subdirectories. However even though it finds the string in the regexr.com, it does not find it in the EMEditor search. Does anyone have a idea what the issue is?
Here is the regular expression I use:
Here is what I try to find:
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If I copy my string into regexr.com and use the above regular expression it does find it, but if I do a find using EMEditor with regular expression on, than it does not find anything. I am not sure what the issue would be. Any advice would be very welcome.
Thank you all for the assistance on this.
I had figured it out and I want to ensure I give some advice to anyone that might have the same issue. The problem in EMEditor was that it did not like the
for some reason. I am not sure why. However, once I changed my statement to:This worked fine. Of course it found only:
So I did a find replace for this and than had the <!> left. So after this I could do a standard find/replace in files where I was looking for the remaining <!> and replaced this.