I have 2 VMs, both running debian buster. One is a test VM, the other my production file server. On both I installed the nfs server package through "apt install". I created a share on the test VM called nfs under /mnt/nfs
. This folder is owned by nobody:nogroup. In my exports file I have the following content:
/mnt/nfs *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,no_all_squash,insecure)
There is no volume or harddrive attached to this "mountpoint" it is just a directory. When I mount this folder on another machine through sudo mount -t nfs testVM:/mnt/nfs /mnt/disk
the volume is mounted as NFS4!!!!! This is what I want and it is awesome. (obviously the "other" machine contains the nfs-common package so I can mount the share in the first place)
Now to my issue. On my production file server, on which the same packages are installed, there are 6 volumes (raid partitions) mounted. They are managed by the host (proxmox virtualization environment) and passed through to the VM. I added which folder I wanted to share in the exports
file and exported these folders through exportfs -rav
. As an example, I have shared the following folder:
/srv/test *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,no_all_squash,insecure)
Which was supposed to be a test to see if I share a folder without anything attached externally what would happen. Unfortunately that does not work and every time I am trying to mount an nfs share as NFS4 the mount reverts back to NFS3.
Whatever I am trying nothing gets mounted to any other VM or any other machine, for that matter, as an NFS4 share. Everything is just shared as NFS3, which I don't want as NFS4 supports additional features that I need in order to make other stuff work in my network (especially file locking).
Does anybody have any ideas why I am unable to us a NFS4 from my test machine but not from my production file server?
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