I want to set up replication on my existing Mariadb 10.6 servers. I backup the databases automatically everyday with a custom script. Basically, it runs the following command :
mariabackup --defaults-file=${defaults_file} --extra-lsndir=${todays_dir}" --backup --compress --stream=xbstream --parallel=8 --compress-threads=8 --target-dir=${todays_dir} > "${todays_dir}/${backup_type}-${now}.xbstream" 2> "${log_file}"
I've added --binlog-info
to this command so that I can get the name of the binlog file, the position and the GTID in the xtrabackup_binlog_info file and therefore use my daily backup to set up replication.
However I can't find xtrabackup_binlog_info after the backup is done. Where should it be ?
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