How can I enable HTTP requests? I have a primary web server that is a proxy and sends HTTP requests to the MicroK8S server but cannot due to the HTTP error.
Install command used:
sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.23/stable
Self-Hosted on a virtual machine locally
I have a MicroK8S server setup using this command: microk8s enable dashboard dns registry istio
I have also edited the dashboard service as such (replaced clusterip with nodeport)
kubernetes-dashboard service
I can navigate to the kubernetes-dashboard by going to https://IP:30051/ of the server (yes, requests using SSL work). However if I try to use HTTP instead of HTTPS I get the following error message.
Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server.
Answered in Slack, the default addon doesn't pass
so the insecure port is accessible only on localhost: can find all options documented here:
If you add
to the CLI options and switch your service to port 9090 then you can use HTTP instead.But also just don't do this, it's a bad and unsafe idea.