I run a small Postfix and Dovecot server with only a few mailboxes. All are virtual via Dovecot, there's no local delivery. Caused by the small number of users, I simply use plain text files for the password db and have configured Dovecot like this:
passdb {
driver = passwd-file
args = username_format=%u /etc/dovecot/users
The users file has the syntax
To prevent backscatter, I set Postfix's virtual_mailbox_maps
like that:
virtual_mailbox_maps = texthash:/etc/postfix/virtual_users
also using a plain text file, but this one has a different syntax:
address@domain somestring
Now I wonder if it's possible to directly use Dovecot's passwd-file for Postfix's virtual_mailbox_maps
? Something like proxy:unix:passwd.byname
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