I'm preparing to run a MariaDB Cluster with HA and I'm Looking for the best practices.
Years back I used to run MariaDB in master-master mode, and there was a big issue. whenever any of the nodes(two nodes in total) was disconnected and reconnected for a second, the whole database was inaccessible until the sync process was completed.
I did search a lot and there are multiple suggestions, which not sure which one is the best and simple solution to go for.
- using maxscale as proxy
- using master-slave mode
- using master-master mode
I haven't worked with MaxScale, and I would be thankful if someone guides me if this is the best solution to go for a database with high I/O, also I know that I need to have another MaxScale + HAProxy setup to cover MaxScale failures.
The second item is not a proper solution, since if the master DB fails I need to go over some manual processes to make it as master.
The third item, cloud be used with Galera, but as I searched I saw many people complaining about the sync issues which I had before.
I would be thankful if someone can guide me with at least 2-3 years of experience in such a cluster.
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