I had an ubuntu server 18.04 running with bareos and mysql database. Monthly I saved data on tapedrive and everything was working fine.
Unfortunately I had a servercrash without a backup of the dump of the database (I know.)
Now I set up an Ubuntu 20.04 with postgres database, since bareos is not supporting mysql anymore.
My idea was to Bscan my tapes to recover Jobs and to access my data on the tapes.
During the bscan I get: bscan: stored/bscan.cc:789-0 Could not find Job for SessId=57 SessTime=1611327800 record.
I was using following command: bscan -V "tape1"|"tape2" -B postgres -u postgres -p "password" -v -s -S -m /dev/st0
The command didn't show me an error, but I'm not able to restore the data after the BSCAN.
Does bareos have a problem with the data on the tapes is from an Mysql server and cannot recover into the postgres database?
On my old server on mysql I was able to recover the whole database from tape when I tested that.
A Painful Truth:
Any Data that you don't have [at least] two copies of is Data you don't care about losing.
That is what's happened here.
The data files used by MySQL are nothing like the ones used by PostgreSQL.
To all intents and purposes, they contain completely different "languages" and are only "translatable" through "portable" format, like SQL.
There is no way that you can just put data files from one DBMS "into" another one and expect it to work.
Now, a [mysql]dump of the MySQL database would probably be plain, SQL text.
You might stand a chance of modifying that SQL to work with PostgreSQL - yes, SQL dialects are different, too!) and import that but, as you say, you don't have such a Backup.
You're only real chance here is to recover the data into a MySQL instance and then start worrying about how to migrate it to Postgres.
Given that Bareos used to support MySQL and now don't, it would be reasonable to expect them / its suppliers to provide its customers with tools/methods to migrate away from MySQL.
Oh wait, perhaps they already have.