I am using Apache CloudStack v 4.16 with XCP-ing center 20.04.01. While trying to take a snapshot of my volume, the below error is logged in my XCP-in center and the volume snapshot creation is getting failed.
Why do I get this error and how can I prevent it?
[error||10737525 ||backtrace] Async.host.call_plugin R:07603c920ee8 failed with exception Se
rver_error(XENAPI_PLUGIN_FAILURE, [ mountNfsSecondaryStorage; SROSError; Error reporting error, unknown key Unexpected error while tr
ying to mount to /var/cloud_mount/0bf8e8c8-f9b7-3602-962d-456drf4567ff ])
[error||10737525 ||backtrace] Raised Server_error(XENAPI_PLUGIN_FAILURE, [ mountNfsSecondary
Storage; SROSError; Error reporting error, unknown key Unexpected error while trying to mount to
/var/cloud_mount/0bf8e8c8-f9b7-3602-962d-456drf4567ff ])
[error||10737525 ||backtrace] 1/1 xapi Raised at file (Thread 10737525 has no backtrace table. Was with_backtraces called?, line 0
Providing a NFS version in global setting 'secstorage.nfs.version' and restarting mgmt servers resolved the issue.
Looks like nfs version was passed to xenserver as 'NULL' and the xcp-ng failed to mount it due to invalid parameters