I've got a Windows RemoteApps setup to access a few applications from home but having some issues connecting from MacOS devices using the Microsoft Remote Desktop app. I initially thought it coincided with a certificate renewal but there's no issues from Windows devices and I'm fairly certain all aspects of the setup (Gateway, Connection broker, session servers) are all using the correct wildcard certificate.
When I try to connect to a remote app from the Workspaces tab, I simply get Error 0x4
so I imported a single app from an RDP file to see if I got any further information. It can connect to an individual app if I uncheck Bypass for local addresses
but I get the error certificate name does not match input
(screenshot below). The red boxes all match each other (green boxes are the server name and subdomain) so the certificate should be fine as servername.domain.red.boxes
falls within the *.red.boxes
Why won't it trust the cert by default?
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