I am trying to request a LetsEncrypt certificate using DNS validation. My DNS provider is Google DNS. No matter what I do, I keep receiving the following error:
[EROR] File C:\LetsEncrypt\{GCP-ServiceAccountKey} does not exist
Where {GCP-ServiceAccountKey}
is the Key I generated from the GCP Cloud console.
Below is the command I am running to try and generate the Cert request:
.\wacs.exe --target manual --host adfs.public-facing.com --installation script --script ".\Scripts\ImportADFS.ps1" --scriptparameters "'{CertThumbprint}'" --validation gcpdns --serviceaccountkey {Purposely-removed-ServiceAccountKey} --projectid {Purposely-removed-ProjectId} --verbose
I'm pulling my hair out here. What am I doing wrong or missing?
This is poorly documented so I had to refer to the source code, but whats expected for the
parameter is a path to a file where the service account key is stored.