Since the Apache Guacamole documentation, it is said in the Docker installation of guacd that leveraging its port to the host (with "docker run --name some-guacd -d -p 4822:4822 guacamole/guacd") would be a potential security issue. My question is: isn't it the same if the daemon is installed without Docker, natively, on the same server?
My aim is to get an Apache Guacamole service that could deal with the RDP of machines that are not on docker (just on the same network as the host [either via docker or natively])
Well not really the same, let's say you are behind a router(DHCP) and your IP is, I will give you both implementations:
The main difference between the two implementations is that in the first docker proxy daemon is placed between the services and the host.
Here is a quick example: