To find a matched entry in the route table, a bitwise AND will be applied to the destination IP and the netmask in the route table. I wonder if the bitwise AND will ALSO be applied to the "Network Destination" of current entry in the route table and the netmask, then the two AND results are compared; or, there is only one AND(the destination IP and the netmask) and the result is directly compared to the "Network Destination" in the route table?
Yes, but that's usually done when the route is added, not every time it's used. Some systems will do the 'AND' and store the canonical network address as destination, but I think it's more common to return an error when someone attempts to add such a route – with the message "destination has host bits set" or similar.
Either way, the result is that the routing table is guaranteed to only have entries where the host bits are already all-0s, thus the extra AND on every lookup is unnecessary.
Note that most software-based routing implementations don't actually do a linear lookup with each entry being ANDed. Instead, they use a structure such as a trie where lookup is done incrementally, bit-by-bit, and only the final result is verified in the regular way.
("Hardware" routing meanwhile often uses special TCAM memory which – assuming I understand it correctly – implements a bit-masked comparison operation in hardware, so you could say that it does 'AND' both the address and the route destination... although I think it would be more accurate to say that the host bits aren't compared in the first place, rather than being masked out before comparison.)