I am somewhat newb to Linux but this is my 5th or so Linux VM I've ever setup so I have some experience here. I have an Ubuntu 24 VM running in Oracle VirtualBox running in a Windows 11, 8 core, 32GB RAM PC. The Gala TownStar v2 Node that I am running on this PC requires a 2 core, 8GB RAM, 40GB hard drive space to run and so I setup the VM with exactly those specs. I have this VM bridged on the network so that it has its own IP because I also am running another instance of that node on that actual PC, not the VM. So the PC has the node running, then in a VM running on that same PC, I have another instance of that node running.
This seems to work well but once or twice a day I notice that the node running in the VM is down! When I go to the VM I just run sudo gala-node status
and that is all it takes for the node to come back alive. The node running directly on my PC has never gone down. So daily I go to the dashboard and when it's down, I run that command... but this means it could be hours before I notice. Every so often when I go back to the VM to run that command, I see Ubuntu with an error that it wants to report, when I look at the details, the message is
systemd-logind crashed with SIGABRT
I am not certain that this error is the reason for the node going down, but I have nothing else to go on. I found this page with some discussion about it and possible solutions but none of that seemed to work for me. Someone suggested I go back to Ubuntu 20.04, but before I spend time on that, does anyone have any suggestions? BTW, I tried running an "every 5 min" crontab to run that status command, but that either doesn't work or I am not certain that it's doing the thing. sudo crontab -l
shows that */5 * * * * sudo gala-node status
is there, but I'd love for it to spit out the output to my console, I think I could have the output of that crontab go to a file, so that's probably my next step.
Edit: Installed Ubuntu 20.04 and am now getting much more frequent error of the same type, like every 5 minutes! The exact error message there is: "systemd-resolved" crashed with SIGBRT in epoll_wait()
Also a recent output from one of the many times it crashed, Ubuntu 20.04:
After I noticed that the error in Ubuntu 20.04 was complaining about the CPUs, I started messing around with more CPUs and even adding another type of node to the same VM. Conclusion: to run 2 different types on an Ubuntu 24 VM (20.04 performed worse) needed 6 CPUs (3 physical, 3 virtual) to be stable.