I know that SpamAssassin can assign scores to a mail if specific words appear in a mail.
Like for instance mail contains the word bitcoin
then add 1.0 to the total score.
But what about making a rule so a set of words tags mail as spam if and only if the whole set is matched in mail?
Like if you have the words internet
and banking
and interest
then if one one of the words appear in mail it is not assigned a spam value, but a mail containing all the words will get a spam score, like for instance a mail with the message:
Get huge interest through internet banking
The reason why I want SpamAssassin to match whole sets instead of individual words is because I get phishing mails that appear to look like legitimate mail, but they do share a common theme, like for instance failed renewal of "Brobizz" (danish version of E-ZPass).
And since the phishing mails looks exactly like the legitimate mail, it would be a bad idea to block all mail containing the words and no other criteria.
However: A combination of the words and a seperate rule saying sender mail servers ip address cannot be resolved would be good enough reason to flag mail as spam.
So is it possible to only assign score on a set of words?
I think that the correct syntax for what you describe is a
rule that assigns a score when multiple sub- conditions/rules match:https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=119547113#WritingRules-Metarules
So customise that to block any combination of the words internet and banking and interest in the body and you get something like: