There's a directory underneath my homedir called ".gvfs". As my regular user account, I can read it just fine:
~ $ ls -lart ~raldi/.gvfs
total 4
dr-x------ 2 raldi raldi 0 2009-05-25 22:17 .
drwxr-xr-x 60 raldi raldi 4096 2009-05-25 23:08 ..
~ $ ls -d ~raldi/.gvfs
dr-x------ 2 raldi raldi 0 2009-05-25 22:17 /home/raldi/.gvfs
However, as root I can't "ls" or even "ls -d" it:
# ls ~raldi/.gvfs
ls: cannot access /home/raldi/.gvfs: Permission denied
# ls -d ~raldi/.gvfs
ls: cannot access /home/raldi/.gvfs: Permission denied
And, just to make sure:
# echo $UID $EUID
0 0
This is just a simple home installation of Ubuntu 8.10, no NFS or anything weird like that. I see that the directory is marked non-world-readable (and non-world-x-able), but I thought none of that applied when you're root. For example, I can make a mode-000 directory in /tmp and give it away to a non-root user, and root has no trouble reading it, writing it, whatever.
Any idea what's going on?
Also see:
The solution seems to be to update your /etc/fuse.conf and enable the user_allow_other option. You may also need to then get gvfs to pass the allow_root or allow_other, but I am not sure how to do this.
Of course it may be much easier to simply give up on all the GUI tools like gvfs and mount your filesystems from command line where you have complete control of exactly how something gets mounted.
directory is the Gnome VFS userspace filesystem that provides a direct filesystem path for virtual filesystems (e.g. remote samba mounts, webdav mounts) so Gnome can pass paths to programs that aren't VFS-aware when operating on remote files.Since it's a FUSE mount & application it can deny permissions to root - the agent performing the access checks in this case is the FUSE application, not the kernel.
By default the
daemon only allows the owner to traverse the directory.It could be a few things, in order of likelyhood