romant Asked: 2010-03-29 13:46:12 +0800 CST2010-03-29 13:46:12 +0800 CST 2010-03-29 13:46:12 +0800 CST Visualizing DNS named query logs 772 Anyone out has suggestions as to what is available for visualizing logs produced by named? log-files bind visualization named-conf 1 Answers Voted William 2010-03-30T20:21:48+08:002010-03-30T20:21:48+08:00 Splunk will do some basic visualisation from a performance and availability perspective. It's free to use for smallish quantities of logs and it's easy to install.
Splunk will do some basic visualisation from a performance and availability perspective. It's free to use for smallish quantities of logs and it's easy to install.