We cannot send mail to one particular domain. When we do, we get a 'message delayed' message from Exchange, then a #550 4.4.7 QUEUE.Expired; message expired ## message from Exchange. I can send to that domain from gmail.com. I can do a local nslookup for the MX record, and ping the host from the MX record. When I try to telnet to host.domain.com 25, I get a 220 response with all asterisks. Helo and Ehlo both trigger a response '500 What? I don't understand'
The domain did experience a firewall issue last weekend, but the sysadmin there says that the firewall has been replaced, and is working properly, and my PING tests seem to support that. He insists that there have been no changes to their mail server.
Any ideas?
We are on Exchange 2007
From Cisco's docs:
and also
Just about everything out there says the only way to fix this is for the admin at that domain to turn off fixup or upgrade to a Cisco that allows ESMTP. The only thing you can do, apparently, is not use Exchange for outgoing email (perhaps forward outgoing mail to another mailserver that then delivers it outside your network).
If you can, you might consider turning off the application filter on the Cisco. There are various issues with Cisco's implementations of their application-level filters.
We had a situation where the Cisco filters would cause a SIP video session to consistently disconnect after a hour into the session. The situation was finally corrected by disabling the Cisco filters.