I have configured the custom solaris jumpstart installation server. But it asks me for prompts at:
- Asks from a menu of 6 which installer to use, either 1. Interactive, 2. Custom jumpstart etc...
- Ask for next at system identification screen.
Asks for NFSV4 next to continue button.
Oracle registration, there is a check box that I want to NOT register with oracle, then I hit next and it asks for proxy servers info. After I hit next for the 2nd time then it installs.
my sysidcfg file is:
keyboard=US-English system_locale=en_US.ISO8859-1 timezone=US/Pacific timeserver=localhost terminal=xterms service_profile=open name_service=NONE security_policy=NONE root_password=Ax1sT8ZVkPzaM network_interface=e1000g0 {primary hostname=client1 netmask= protocol_ipv6=no default_route=} nfs4_domain=dynamic auto_reg=disable
Finally I make it work. Only one problem is there that is registration page. That is also because of the bug in Solaris-10u9 OS.
If any one wants a detailed doc, please mail me at [email protected]
I will try to post the same procedure on my blog at http://linuxtrove.com very soon.